Approved Group International
Professional & Fair Flood Damage Assessment


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As mentioned in the headline news, there’s nationwide category-3 flooding in Malaysia, and thousands of businesses and factories suffered from damaged assets and halted production.

Category-3 flood is the most severe level of flooding, where humans & properties are contaminated with water and soil from sewers, waste lines, seawater, or rising river waters that potentially carry harmful pathogens and toxins. 

Because of this, Insurers are working around the clock to resolve the influx of claims as effectively as possible.

In this article, we’ll show you how Approved Group International can help assess flood damage professionally, so insurers pay fair compensation to resolve the claimant’s damage caused by flood. A win-win situation for everyone

How Approved Group International Assess Flood Claims

When a claim has been submitted, insurers want to know if the claims that they are paying for are for genuine losses (i.e., not a pre-existing condition or fraud claims) and explore the alternative to restore before considering replacing the affected assets.

Here’s how the Approved Group International conducts a flood damage assessment:

  1. We’ll send our professional team to the claimant’s location.
  2. We’ll scientifically inspect and assess the damage, supported with photographs & documentations.
  3. We will compile all of our findings into a professional report that contains:
    1. The best solution for both claimant and the insurer (are the damages genuine, and if they are, are they restorable or a total loss?)
    2. Include quotations for restoration services.

Examples of How We Help Insurers Save Money

EXAMPLE 1: Here’s an example of an assessment where we saved the Insurers money by restoring damaged components from a piece of equipment rather than paying for an entire replacement:

EXAMPLE 2: Here’s another example of fair assessment, where we will tell if the damage to each piece of equipment is economically feasible to be restored, or can be counted as total lost:

Our 3-Step Restoration Work

  1. Dehumidifying (drying)
  2. Decontamination (removing dirt and residue)
  3. Stabilizing (retard the rusting process if feasible)

Contact Now

Approved Group has saved Insurance companies upwards of USD 200 million from equipment restoration over total replacement.

Especially for floods happening down in Johor, we will tell Insurers if the flood damage claim is genuine or a preexisting condition.

Contact us now by filling the form below

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Our mission is to provide scientific approach to forensic investigation, failure analysis and non-destructive testing; professional and economical disaster restoration.

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